Lately, do you find yourself wondering if you matter to God?
Does it seem like you’re invisible to your spouse, your kids, your family?
People who are supposed to love, don’t notice or understand you.
Is your energy level depleted from trying to explain yourself over and over again?
Do You keep thinking about how you got here?
Just the other day, I showed someone how my face was breaking out. They were small but significant enough to notice.
She took a closer look and said it was because I was an overthinker.
Ha! What?!
How could she say that about me? She hardly knew me … BUT she was right. I’ve been told that before a few times… ok - maybe more than a few times!
While I had been giving God more and more of what worries me, my body or face couldn’t lie. It wasn’t enough. I was still wondering if I was enough. Does God see me, hear me, does He know how much I love Him? I want to do right but ….
Simply - when I am stressed, tired or worried I breakout on my face. It may be that I touch my face more, don’t drink enough water or am overworking - and not having enough fun again.
(I wish just one time someone would say to me - “I see your having too much fun again!”)
After I got back in my car, I looked in my car mirror and just sat there. It felt like forever but in reality, maybe like 2 minutes (I’m from New Jersey so it was probably 30 seconds) until I felt God say this to me:
“Let go of it all Deborah and give it to Me - let Me be God because you are not!” BOOM!!!
Typically, in the car I would drive in silence so I could “(over)think” but this time I put on worship music.
I didn’t want to ruminate on this again! I knew I wasn’t God.
Here’s what He placed on my heart…
No problem was ever solved by worry.
No person was ever changed by unforgiveness.
No matter the past, it doesn’t define today.
So I do this -
- Pray for endurance and patience. He has perfect timing.
- Expect God to give me favor in sight of others.
- Remain confident in God’s promises because He is faithful.
- Rejoice in all things because it is your strength.
What really matters? Trusting God and His big picture for my life.
What else matters? You matter to God. His big picture for your life.
Leave behind worry, unforgiveness and your past.
What matters most of all?
He loves you and He wants to tell you Himself!
Take time with Him with today.